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Often new homeowners need help distinguishing between homeowner maintenance and warranty.
Homeowner Maintenance
Builder Suggestion
Light Bulbs
Changing interior & exterior light bulbs
Purchase a tall ladder or extendable light bulb changer or poles to reach high light fixtures and flood lights.
Not warrantable. Excluded.
Ensure that gutters are free of leaves and debris to ensure gutters are functioning properly
Homeowners should check gutters twice a year for cleaning maintenance. Adding mesh covers to your gutter system can help eliminate leaves from getting in your gutter system.
Gutters & downspouts that leak are deficiencies if not blocked by trash or debris. Warrantable. Included.
Smoke Detectors
Changing batteries
Ensure that batteries are working or change them twice a year when the seasons change.
Not warrantable. Excluded.
Property Surveys & Property Pins
Property surveys are the responsibility of the homeowner. We do not give out or release surveys of your property prior to closing.
Before installing a fence, hire a land surveyor and check with your local HOA for installation rules and guidelines.
Not warrantable. Excluded.
Pest Control
The builder has paid your termite warranty for 1 year from your closing date. It does not cover household pest or rodents.
Future Services is the termite company for 1-year free service. There are special offers for Capshaw homeowners if they sign up for pest control service.
Not warrantable. Excluded.
Clean tile & grout to prevent dirt, soap, germs, mold, and mildew on the grout.
To prolong the time span of your tile grout, the builder recommends sealing it. Sealant can be purchased at your local hardware store.
Repair cracked and or missing grout 1-time only
Water heaters
Adjust temperature on water heaters for desired temperatures
The builder sets water heaters per code ordinances. In most cases it is not as hot as homeowners desire. Adjust water heaters to desired temperatures.
Not warrantable. Excluded.